Land of deadly wonders


Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here...


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Жалобная книга

Сообщений 1 страница 19 из 19


Если вдруг вам захотелось пожаловаться, не только на администрацию или коигроков, но на начальство, коллег, учителей, супругов, любовников, бога, президента, Далай Ламу, попрошаек, налоговых инспекторов, водителей автобусов, да на что угодно, милости простим, для вас неприменно найдётся место в жалобной книге. Пожалуйся и жизнь станет легче, я гаранитрую это.


And I was like: "Hey, as far as I can remember, there's a bounty for her head." And then she was like: "Hey, let's do not kill her! She helped us though!" Why the Great Force shouldn't we kill her? There's a bounty, and tell me if you will, who the holy hutta we are. We are bounty hunters. And there's a bounty, right? Any troubles? I don't see any troubles! And then she was like: "Gosh, Bardin never did so!" Bitch.


Also I get a little hungry.


How nice. Wanna complain.

Can I just please kill her? Each of them.
That's kinda not fair. I've never even seen her, but all i know: i don't want her to be there. Cause she makes me feel.. awful. Angry. Going insane everytime I think bout that. The thing is - she's not the only one. Seems like there're LOTS of them. Hate ya all, hate your advices, hate your opinion bout that and hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehateHATE it when you say this again and again and again and again it's seems like you want me to fuck off, and at the same time you don't want it. Ya all are just playing with me. I'm not a toy. Friends and that guys - what in the hell are u thinking bout? I HATE when you do like this again and again and again and again. If i'm full of fears, show me you're stronger, show me you're "not as stupid" as i am. Anyway, i'm not gonna keep sitting in this shit anymore and all of you'll have to deal with this.
And she. I just want her not to be there, she can even stay alive, it's okay. But stay alive anywhere in another part of the world, not in that city, not there.

I sure like this topic or whatever should I call it, yeah


Все ебанулись.


人人常常说我是压力山大 v_v




I thought I was the god. I've created this world. And all the actions, all the talk of my creatures, every moment I was over there and I was deciding what would happen. When someone threw a ball, I decided how it'd fly, when someone went for a walk, I decided where he'd run into a wall, when someone talked, I decided if the speech would count truth or lie, when someone did, I decided if he'd be succeed or not. I always have being around and every time I have been deciding. The creatures called it 'random', but every randomness was my decision. I was supposed it to be so. And it was so. Ages ago. Then I got bored from deciding. It became the onerous duty since things was not going to be in my way at all. Although I was deciding everything, the results could be unexpected even for me. It's like cooking: you know the ingredients, know the quantity, know how long have to wait. But in the end it could make you wonder. That's why I devised them.
Behold there! The Dices of Fate!
Since then whenever I had to decide anything, I cast the Dices. And I decided depending on what the Dices said. Above 20 - the creature is sure to be successful. Below 16 - the creature lacks of luck today. However, I was such a fool and weak. I thought I was the god. Since I've created this world. And I thought I decided both small and great things.
But then. He appeared. And ask me:
- Who you think is really kicking the world?
I said nothing. I thought I was the god. And the creatures were my toys.
And he smirked.
- I decide, - he said, - how the Dices fall.
I thought I was the got but in real I'm just another toy in some other hands.


О, боги!
Видео с ютуба ещё не загрузилось,
пост ещё не написан,
каникулы ещё не начались,
нефть ещё не кончилась,
инопланетяне ещё не прилетели,
телепорт ещё не изобретён,
китайский ещё не выучен...
Хотя это, по-моему, уже мой косяк.
Какой кошмар, пойду помолюсь.


Боги Хаоса не отвечают на молитвы, а дайсы нужны прямо посередине поста. Что же делать?!


Ттупой инвалид установил в настрйоках по дефолту язык системы,
а язык системы, сука, китайский, сука, блядь, китайский, йобаный по левому краю!
Я же нихуя не понимаю, что я, блядь, делаю,
куда нажимать, кого призывать и как вообще хоть что-нибудь
сделать в злосрасном киатйском гимпе, потому что
что же это происходит-то! как жить-то в таком мире?!
на английский не меняет, на русский не меняет, на немецкий не меняет,
хотя немецкого я и не знаю нихуя, но всё равно на него не меняет,
ставит обратно родной язык системы и хоть ты геологом прикинься,
хоть об пол ёбнись, да в лягушку обратись, один хуй,
програама, блядь, лучше знает, какой яызк мне нежуен!
В системе тоже нельзя нихуя поменять, потому что видовс, блядь,
нельзя в этерпрайзе язык менять, нужно покупать профешинол или ультимайт,


What the hell you think you doing, slag?!
Could you ever fancy there's a lot of people except you, hah?
D'you ever look around or what, stuped whore?
I spent pretty fuckin much time trying to just pass along!
I bet your mom is so fat that the only reason why
her spouse han't given up with her yet is
he just cannot seem to leave her orbit!
Look, there's a road six metre in width,
but you are taking no less than half of it!
How come you are such a fatty cow?!
How the bloody fuck are you taking this much place?
Tell me, if you will, because I can't find it out.
Fuck it! I don't give a damn how, but why, hussy?!
What the hell is going on in your little stupid cranium?
Not only that you are fat as hell,
but why the fuck you can't just go right ahead?
Why the holly shit are you capering like a goat?
I'd like to slay you and bring your bloody trunk
to starving children, it'd be fair because
I bet you're the reason why they're starving!
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bloody stupid fatty bitch!
There could be more hate, but I got tired, so fuck it,
Fred Durst didn't hire me to make up a song.


По японскому слишком много задают! Я не успеваю делать всё, да ещё и готовить новый урок же нужно же. Половину слов вообще забыл уже. К тому же, на факультете китайского и японского адекватных людей нет в принципе. Все ебанутые и говорят, как минимум, на трёх иностранных языках. Иногда сразу. И сэндвичи сегодня какие-то сухие.


Постов всё нет! >_<


Я забыл, что мне снилось!
И постов нет =_=


Хочу пожаловаться на то, что когда я хотел пожаловаться, сервис лежал.


Хочу пожаловаться.


Я передумал.


жалуюсь, что айяйяй, как нехорошо
Что некромантика - неблагодарное дело, считается что моветон
и что бегонию град побил

сплошная пошлятина.

Отредактировано Юджае Ной (1st Mar 2020 01:35 am)

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